Sirius – Initiation
“My past is the perfect foundation for my present empowerment.”
Your past lifetimes, and your past in this lifetime, have been valuable for you empowerment.
Past, present, and future are valuable for the mind, but in truth, all time is connected.
If you afraid because of past experience or future possibility, you are limited.
With past life integration, you are opening to heal the wounds of the past, activate the wisdom of the past and expand your present and future.
The Sirians are assisting you to release fear from your DNA.
You don’t need details of what happened; just intend to integrate your past and it is so.
If information is needed, it will come forth.
Freedom will unfold over time.
This card asks you to open to healing the past, whether you believe in past lives or not.
Humans often have wounds from childhood with no cognizant knowledge.
Perhaps as an adult you have logically chosen something new, but not fully opened your heart to heal the challenge of the past.
Accept that all that occurred in your life (or lives) has been experience in learning, forgiving, understanding and growing.
The Light Language is helping you to integrate your past into more strength and compassion in your present.
It is shifting your perceptions of yourself, others, the past and your future.
Forgive those who have wronged you or others, even as you hold healthy boundaries
Find a perspective of benefit from any past challenge
See all people and experiences as valuable to the expansion of love
Know that you are stronger than any experience of the past
SACRED ACTIVATIONS – October 2021 – Past Life Integration
1. Are You Stuck?
Do you feel you are in a rut and can’t make a decision or move forward?
Do you feel that, no matter how hard you try, things simply won’t change?
Do you have a problem making decisions or finishing what you start?
If you haven’t changed over the last few years toward the positive…you are stuck.
Families not moving forward?
People from Past Lives holding you back?
Are you procrastinating your life?
Here’s your opportunity to release that stuck- ness, focusing on your core life to get to change.
Gaining abundance begins by admitting areas of your life which you can’t seem to pass through.
2. Atlantean Power Returns
Have you lost your power? Your REAL power?
Many of us gave up our power because of the perceived mistakes we have made. And we still are stuck.
In this activation, we will clear the group consciousness, trauma, beliefs, and all the contracts you’ve made to stay out of your power.
Welcome to your own power!
This activation connects you with our star family, the Atlanteans’ and the time of Atlantis here on Earth.
We will bring in the wisdom that we had at that time as well as the wisdom, unconditional love and the strength we require at this time of ascension here on Earth.
3. Collective Wound Release
This activation will release and disconnect you from the need to suffer to survive (including making money), or the belief that survival is a struggle, which is a collective consciousness belief along with a past lives, genetics and core beliefs that keeps you from abundance.
Deep, hidden wounds are held in the collective psyche often linked by the same value systems, beliefs, limitations, behaviors, and experiences.
This invisible collective program, locked into ancestral memory of DNA or the morphogenetic fields, enslaves one to mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual disturbances whose origins are difficult to detect or resolve.
This can result in a deep need to suffer, which sabotages our lives on many levels.
This activation unplugs you from the collective consciousness of this suffering energy, freeing you to live in joy and love.
4. Damsel in Distress
This is for women who feel the need to be a damsel in distress, to be weak or need to be rescued.
This is also for men who feel they have to rescue women.
This allows both parties to be in their personal power and attract a balanced and healthy relationship.
This clears past lives, collective consciousness, and genetic consciousness levels.
5. Disconnection From the Fear of Lack, Fear of the Future and Scarcity
This activation releases you from all the shock and trauma from past lives of losing money because of loving someone.
It releases all anger from all the cells of your body and closes off all neural pathways and receptors. It realigns you to wholeness on all levels, lifetimes and beyond, as well as aligns you with balance of giving and receiving.
It clears all the shock, stress and trauma, all grudges, hatred, shame, any betrayal or abandonment from money, greed, all judgments, all negative free-floating memories, any hopelessness or despair by transmuting all of these to Pure Divine Unconditional Love.
6. Mary Magdalene
This activation is about unconditional love for yourself. It will clear you from guilt, judgment and self punishment for perceived wrongs you’ve done in all lifetimes.
7. My Other Me
This activation relates to feelings of separation.
These can be from past lives, or relationships in which the feeling of separation exists or any other issue in your life.
This activation can eliminate obligations to hold onto the pain and emotions of our parents or other family members and clears feelings of not being whole.
When these obligations are released, and wholeness returned, we are able to connect to others as our true authentic selves.
If you would like to receive these Activations (and more) you’re not a member of the Spiritual Seekers FB Membership Group, it’s easy to become one.
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SEVEN Sacred Activations each month (pre-recorded/posted by the 15th of the month)
ONE Healing Meditation (pre-recorded/ posted by the 25th of the month)
TWO Chakra Clearing/Balancing sessions (run in the background)
A ONE Question Reading (by request, each month)
Occasional extras, channelled messages, etc.
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