Along with the open group (Spiritual Seekers) the membership group is an easy and economical way to stay tuned into the community and be supported on your spiritual journey.
So what do you get each month when you join the membership group?
- A group Sacred Activations class where you will receive at least 7 Sacred Activations that are aligned with the theme of the month. You may choose to attend in ‘real’ time and there will also be a recording provided.
- A Healing Meditation aligned with the theme of the month, again in ‘real’ time and recorded.
- TWO Chakra Clearings and Balancing, run in the background, no attendance necessary.
The total value of all of the above is $100.
When you join the group you get it all for ONLY $18/month.
Click the button below to join us in the Spiritual Seekers Membership Group.
I look forward to seeing you in ‘the group;!
Wishing you the greatest blessings that you can imagine!