Sacred Activations Packages - $16 each

Each activation sold separately is regularly $10 each, making this a…

($70 value)

or…purchase #1 – #9 for $97
(a $630 value)

#1 Root 1st Chakra

1. Total Body Connection
This activation clears any beliefs you have around specific body parts or systems. It connects you with your entire body and the awareness that every body part is important. It brings you the clarity that in order to transform and ascend we need to include our bodies in the process. When there is balance in our bodies and we connect with our bodies our transformation quickens.
2. Activating the Mitochondria
This removes you from the collective consciousness of fear and activates the love of Creator. It makes it easier for us to move forward and be active in our lives.
3. Disconnect from Allergies
This deactivation clears any beliefs you have around allergies and the need to experience them. It clears any fears or subconscious beliefs around pets, plants or anything that triggers an allergic reaction for you.
4. Cellular Cleansing
Energetic cellular cleansing is important for cellular repair, regeneration and rejuvenation. It gently encourages the release of old or damaged cells and the growth of new, healthy cells and tissues. The release of stress overload, emotional trauma, traumatic events and genetic conditioning from the cellular memory is very important, as is the release of damaged cellular matter caused by toxic substances, chemical pollutants, vaccinations, bacteria etc.
5. Free Your Genetics
This activation clears the genetic patterns that don’t serve you. The “heart attack” “cancer” and other genes that attract certain diseases are cleared and replaced with better genes. It will also clear the fear that attracts these energies and conditions. This activation also clears the collective consciousness around these diseases.
6. Lack and Limitation
Are you in the “not enough” vibration? This is a HUGE Collective program! Think about the world banking system, countries are in financial collapse because so many carry this vibration. Do you sympathize with everybody? How does Lack around the world effect you? Lack and Limitation around the world and yourself is just an Illusion! Unplug from Humanities Unconscious belief systems and non-serving beliefs. Now, plug into the Motherboard of all those who believe in and have Unlimited Abundance! Throughout all timelines, genetics, cultures and Collective, for yourself and the world, plugging you into Abundance. Are you ready for Abundance, Joy, Happiness and a life of Gratitude?
7. LEAP Forward with Ease and Grace
Sometimes incremental change works great; sometimes it leaves you breathless and dangling midair. At such moments we need to set a clear intention, and boldly step forward. This activation clears away the deadwood of inertia that keeps us trapped in old patterns, opens a space of balance and clarity, and empowers us to control the direction of our life.
8. The Unicorns wanted to be included, so I invited the Red Unicorn in. She embodies the attribute of Confidence.

#2 Sacral 2nd Chakra

1. Anger, Fear & Guilt -Release
Often times we carry around these emotions, some are ours, some aren’t. This activation will allow you to release these low freqency emotiions and make room for love, acceptance, allowance and flow in your life.
2. Are You Codependent?
This activation clears you of the energy of codependency and helps you rely on yourself. This is an energetic balancing and alignment with all those around us.
3. Are You Stuck?
If you haven’t changed over the last few years toward the positive…you are stuck. Families not moving forward? People from Past Lives holding you back? Are you procrastinating your life? Here’s your opportunity to release that stuck- ness, focusing on your core life to get to change. Gaining abundance begins by admitting areas of your life which you can’t seem to pass through.
4. Balance and Harmony
This activation releases the energies that are creating imbalance and disharmony in your life and brings in the energies of balance and harmony.
5.Confidence and Self Esteem
This activation is all about believing in yourself and coming in to your power, secure in the knowledge that the universe will be there to support you.
6.Connect to the Vortex of Peace
This activation enables us to forgive all those who have hurt and betrayed you across all life times, it will disconnect from all etheric contracts and the consciousness of war and conflict in order to gain peace, this activation will connect you to the vortex of peace and enable you to expand and share your inner peace with others.
7.Creator’s Truth
This is both an activation and a de-activation as it unplugs you fromthe human grid of fear and plugs you into the 7th plane of ”The Truth”, so you can be in your power and the truth, free of being controlled by the fear of the group consciousness. As you may know, we are all connected in a grid that surrounds the earth so we pick up on the group consciousness.
8.Spiritual Conduit Activation
This activation allows you to be a grounded/ connected/conscious conduit for Spiritual information and healing. It activates the ability to translate this Spiritual information into practical solutions for everyday life.

#3 Solar Plexus 3rd Chakra

1. Hidden Agendas
This activation gives you clarity about the reasons or motivations that underlie people’s actions. These motivations, often unconscious, may arise from unresolved contracts or agreements from another time and place.
Hopelessness is a choice that we may make in the belief that we have exhausted every option or possibility. Hopelessness means resigning ourselves to a world of scarcity, lack, and loss of freedom. This activation reminds us of infinite possibility and unlimited abundance, making it possible for us to take the next step forward through a difficult or challenging situation.
3. Wrong Choices
This activation brings you into to your heart and what your higher power is telling you. It releases the negative beliefs that you might always make the wrong choices.
4. Central Sun
This activation clears old belief patterns that block you from moving forward and helps you step into your power to help yourself and humanity. It will connect you to the energy of the Central Sun, which is near Sirius, past our solar system. The Central Sun is the great I AM energy. We could not do anything without this Sun.
5. Playing It Small
Do you find yourself playing small so others can feel comfortable around you? Are you afraid of your true power? Do you work in jobs that do not use your full potential? Are you ready to be in your full power and full creativity?
This activation will free you from your “box” and open you up to the fullness that is the REAL you.
6. Tree of Life, Sacred Geometry Activation
The Tree of Life Activation ignites your Tree of Life, rejuvenates your cells, and increases your energy and mental clarity. This activation makes it easier to focus on and manifest your dreams.
7. Sacred Power
This activation clears all of the fears of being in your true sacred power and of being the life force you are meant to be. This activation will empower you to step into your true authentic power.
8. Arcturian White Dragon, Sovereignty
Setting boundaries and standing in your power.

#4 Heart 4th Chakra

1. I Am Beautiful
Everybody is beautiful in their own way. Would you like to know the many ways you ARE beautiful at a MUCH deeper level and how to open that energy up? Would you like to connect with your beauty and SIMPLY know you’re beautiful, WITHOUT question? This activation helps you to see and acknowledge your individual qualities that are beautiful even if they are not societies ideal.
2. I Am Worthy
Do you feel unworthy? Do you stop good from coming into your life because you don’t feel worthy of receiving it? Would you like to know that you are worthy? In this activation the beliefs that keep you from feeling worthy will be released.
3. Magnetic Heart
Increases the strength and magnetism of the electromagnetic field around your heart space, as well as increasing the strength of the vortex spin of your toroidal energy field.
4. Release Anything
The “release anything” works for…anything. So as you are receiving this activation put your attention on those things that you would like to release in general and specifically that may be blocking you from fully and completely being able to access and embody your sacred heart space.
5. Respect, Trust and Loyalty
This activation is about the respect, trust and loyalty you give yourself and others as well as what is given to you. If you don’t feel that you are getting the respect, trust and loyalty you feel you deserve this will clear the resentment or negative energy around this bringing you balance.
6. Sacred Heart Key
This activation clears life times of trauma, sadness, betrayal, and heartache along with life times of etheric contracts and vows that keep us bound to this energy. Can you imagine how amazing your life can be if your heart is truly open and you truly trust in your heart?
7. Sacred Heart
This activation prepares you to really live in and from the heart. It brings up your limiting beliefs about other people and cultures. It brings up the stuff that blocks you from being able to love yourself and love others for who they truly are. This activation enables you to live in your heart.
8. Arcturian Pink Dragon

#5 Throat 5th Chakra

1. Atlantean Power Returns
Have you lost your power? Your REAL power?
Many of us gave up our power because the mistakes we have made. And we still are stuck.
In this activation, I will be clearing out the group consciousness, trauma, beliefs, and all the contracts you’ve made to stay out of your power.
Welcome to your own power activation.
This activation connects you with our star family, the Atlanteans’ and the time of Atlantis here on Earth. We will bring in the wisdom that we had at that time as well as the wisdom, unconditional love and the strength we require at this time of ascension here on Earth.
2. Authority Power Disconnection
This activation disconnects you from the belief of others having authority and power over you. It enables you to deal with and stand up to all people, institutions and organizations on the same level, releasing the need to look up to them, free of fear. It disconnects you from the Collective Consciousness around authority and connects you with your own authentic power.
3.Balance and Activate the Pineal, Pituitary Gland, Godhead and Third Eye
Clears and activates the sacred energies in the brain and the most important glands in your body; the pineal and pituitary glands; along with the God Head, which is located at the base of the skull on the tip of the spinal cord, and the Third Eye.
4.Before Life
This activation will allow you to meet with your soul family and your council of twelve and show you what agreed to do in this life time. Free your fears of being who you really are. This simple yet very powerful process clears your fears so that you can move forward.
5. Being Present and Listening
This activation is about being emotionally present and open to really hear others, to hear their truth, to listen with the soul. This activation helps you stay in the moment to fully participate in your world, your life and the people you interact with. You will find that you have great peace and patience and interact in an entirely different way. You will really look within the person you’re speaking to or the activity you’re engaging in and you will see the beauty of each moment.
6. Brain in Balance
This activation balances both the left and right brain, helping you to become more artistic and grounded at the same time and be organized. If you are really organized and want to be more artistic or are really artistic and want to be more organized, this activation will help you.
7. Breathe Peace
An activation brought in by Quan Yin. This activation clears your lungs of sorrow and grief clearing it from the collective and from your genetics. Good for anyone with asthma or lung related diseases.
8. Arcturian Purple Dragon Relationships

#6 Third Eye 6th Chakra

1. Activating Your 12 Light Bodies
This activation prepares your 12 Light Bodies for the shifts taking place on earth at this time. You will be more prepared for shifts when they happen and go through them with a greater amount of ease and perfection.
2. Angel Power
This activation connects us to who we really are while disconnecting us from religious consciousness and genetic consciousness regarding what it is to be an Earth Angel and our worthiness. This activation clears the unworthiness from past lives and from our ancestors, while bringing in the power of our Angels and our Higher Self as well as our Master energy, so we can vibrate in that energy in our everyday lives.
3. Atlantan Power Returns
Have you lost your power? Your REAL power?
Many of us gave up our power because the mistakes we have made. And we still are stuck.
In this activation, I will be clearing out the group consciousness, trauma, beliefs, and all the contracts you’ve made to stay out of your power.
Welcome to your own power activation.
This activation connects you with our star family, the Atlanteans’ and the time of Atlantis here on Earth. We will bring in the wisdom that we had at that time as well as the wisdom, unconditional love and the strength we require at this time of ascension here on Earth.
4. Balance and Activate the Pineal, Pituitary Gland, Godhead and Third Eye
Clears and activates the sacred energies in the brain and the most important glands in your body; the pineal and pituitary glands; along with the God Head, which is located at the base of the skull on the tip of the spinal cord, and the Third Eye.
5. Brain in Balance
This activation balances both the left and right brain, helping you to become more artistic and grounded at the same time and be organized. If you are really organized and want to be more artistic or are really artistic and want to be more organized, this activation will help you.
6. Connect with Your Calling
Discover your true calling as you listen and embrace this activation. It may take listening to it several times if your history of beliefs are attached to “should/shouldn’t” or what may be “wrong” with a chosen profession but as you look deeper inside you’ll begin to uncover the truth.
7. Download Your Special Gifts
Let’s plug-in and download our special powers.

#7 Crown 7th Chakra

1. Connect with the Prophets

Would you like to connect with their power in their knowing? This is for any of the prophets you resonate with. Are YOU a prophet? Ready to wake up? This deactivation disconnects you from competition, lack and limitation giving you the knowing that you can have anything you desire and that there is plenty for all.

2.Divine Consciousness
This is both an activation and a deactivation. As a deactivation it unplugs you from the consciousness of separation. As an activation, it connects you to your knowingness and acceptance of your divine inheritance of love, prosperity and the knowing that you are here to embody the energy of the divine on the planet right Now.
3.Healers and Power
This activation releases you from the old limitations of those thousand commitments and contracts and blessings. I find that many healers do not feel that they can go beyond their teachers or that they’re committed to one modality. This activation releases you from all of that, allowing you to be a powerful healer, knowing that God is in charge…allowing you to go out and create be healer that you are.
4.I Don’t Know
This deactivation removes your programming and fear of not knowing. How many times does some ask you a question and your answer is “I don’t know?” Most of the time you do know, you just don’t feel confident enough to express it.
5.Impossible is Possible
This activation disconnects you from the group consciousness of impossible things and grounds you in knowing, that everything is possible. We bought into a lie that we are limited when we are actually not. It removes all the beliefs, emotions, trauma and shocks from all lifetimes, when you did something impossible and was punished because of that.
6.Mother Earth
Clear old belief patterns that block you from moving forward and helps you step into your power to help yourself and humanity. The Mother Earth connects you with all of the elements of this wonderful place we call home: Mother Earth. It helps ground you and centers you in the knowing that we are all connected; it connects you to the fairies, trees, flowers and water, and brings you closer to our animal friends. To connect to your Higher Self, it’s important to first connect to Mother Earth. This will ground and connect you into the heart of Mother Earth, allowing you to feel her abundant love. It will strengthen your ability to communicate with the natural elements of this wonderful planet, with animals and with elemental beings, such as fairies. It will allow you to feel the unity of all that exists in our realm and to be more fully present in your body while also connecting to your Higher-Self.
7.Newton’s Law Disconnection
Newton’s Laws explain that we are essentially physical beings. This deactivation releases you from the group consciousness that physicality is our true nature, and replaces it with the knowing that we are spirit that is ageless and disease- free, that is living in a body. We are light and can do anything.

#8 Higher Self 8th & Source 9th Chakras

1.Before Life

This activation will allow you to meet with your soul family and your council of twelve and show you what you agreed to do in this life time. Free your fears of being who you really are. This simple yet very powerful process clears your fears so that you can move forward.

2.Black Night of the Soul 

Black night of the Soul Activation helps release the need to hit rock bottom before anything can get better.

3. Connecting and Healing With Your Soul Family

This activation connects you to your Soul Family, which is in itself a healing. You can also ask for healing from your Soul Family once you’re connected to them. You may find this activation very nurturing and comforting.

4. Creator’s Truth

This is both an activation and a de-activation as it unplugs you from the human grid of fear and plugs you into the 7th plane of ”The Truth”. This allows you to be in your power and truth, free of being controlled by the fear of the group consciousness. As you may know, we are all connected in a grid that surrounds the earth so we pick up on the group consciousness.

5. God Codes

This activation allows you to see the world through the Creators eyes, thus enabling you to see through the 3D world and know love for all sentient beings. It will help you to see that every event happening on this planet, and indeed in your own life, is for the good of all and your ultimate growth.

6. Spiritual Ego Release

The Creator is the healer, we are co-creators that facilitate. This activation balances your ego so you don’t feel responsible for the results your clients receive. Their healing is between them and God alone.

7. Activating Your Twelve Light Bodies

This activation prepares your 12 Light Bodies for the shifts taking place on earth at this time. You will be more prepared for shifts when they happen and go through them with a greater amount of ease and perfection