Sacred Activations Packages - $16 each
Each activation sold separately is regularly $10 each, making this a…
($70 value)
#1 Root 1st Chakra
#2 Sacral 2nd Chakra
#3 Solar Plexus 3rd Chakra
#4 Heart 4th Chakra
#5 Throat 5th Chakra
This activation connects you with our star family, the Atlanteans’ and the time of Atlantis here on Earth. We will bring in the wisdom that we had at that time as well as the wisdom, unconditional love and the strength we require at this time of ascension here on Earth.
#6 Third Eye 6th Chakra
This activation connects you with our star family, the Atlanteans’ and the time of Atlantis here on Earth. We will bring in the wisdom that we had at that time as well as the wisdom, unconditional love and the strength we require at this time of ascension here on Earth.
#7 Crown 7th Chakra
1. Connect with the Prophets
Would you like to connect with their power in their knowing? This is for any of the prophets you resonate with. Are YOU a prophet? Ready to wake up? This deactivation disconnects you from competition, lack and limitation giving you the knowing that you can have anything you desire and that there is plenty for all.
#8 Higher Self 8th & Source 9th Chakras
1.Before Life
This activation will allow you to meet with your soul family and your council of twelve and show you what you agreed to do in this life time. Free your fears of being who you really are. This simple yet very powerful process clears your fears so that you can move forward.
2.Black Night of the Soul
Black night of the Soul Activation helps release the need to hit rock bottom before anything can get better.
3. Connecting and Healing With Your Soul Family
This activation connects you to your Soul Family, which is in itself a healing. You can also ask for healing from your Soul Family once you’re connected to them. You may find this activation very nurturing and comforting.
4. Creator’s Truth
This is both an activation and a de-activation as it unplugs you from the human grid of fear and plugs you into the 7th plane of ”The Truth”. This allows you to be in your power and truth, free of being controlled by the fear of the group consciousness. As you may know, we are all connected in a grid that surrounds the earth so we pick up on the group consciousness.
5. God Codes
This activation allows you to see the world through the Creators eyes, thus enabling you to see through the 3D world and know love for all sentient beings. It will help you to see that every event happening on this planet, and indeed in your own life, is for the good of all and your ultimate growth.
6. Spiritual Ego Release
The Creator is the healer, we are co-creators that facilitate. This activation balances your ego so you don’t feel responsible for the results your clients receive. Their healing is between them and God alone.
7. Activating Your Twelve Light Bodies
This activation prepares your 12 Light Bodies for the shifts taking place on earth at this time. You will be more prepared for shifts when they happen and go through them with a greater amount of ease and perfection