A Message from the Tulip

I am strong, hardy, a survivor. I survive the long, dark, cold weather of winter sleeping within the bosom of Gaia. She soothes me, nurtures me, sings to me as I dream the cold winter away.

As the cycles shift, the spring rains come and I begin to feel the warmth of the sun penetrating my cozy bed. I yawn and stretch, happy and content from my long winters rest and the love and nurturing that the mother Gaia has flowed to me in a never ending stream throughout my winter’s sleep.

I continue to grow and stretch, reaching up through the surface of the warm, rich moist soil, and as I do I begin to share my dreams with the awakening world. I have a unique song that I sing and within that song are carried codes of light, that I share with the world. It matters not whether one is aware of this or not. It may only be percieved as the passing thought of, Oh what a pretty flower, or I may go completely unnoticed. This doesn’t mean that my song, my story and my dreams are wasted. Everything I am, I share with life and life is enriched because I am.
I hope that you enjoyed this message and the tulip images as much as I enjoyed photographing them and receiving this beautiful message. If you would like to know more about me you can check out my website…
Much love and many blessings and…
as my childhood hero & heroine, Roy Rogers & Dale Evans used to sing at the end of their show… “Happy Trails to you until we meet again…”